Research Group Peace Education (HIPP)
An important part of the Norwegian Peace Associations work is peace education and other information work for peace. Among other things, we provide methods for non-violent conflict management and provide courses and introductions for organizations, schools, folk high schools, youth groups and other interested parties.
If you are interested, contact us!
The mehtod we are currently using mostly in peace education is called HIPP. HIPP stands for Help Increase the Peace Programme.
HIPP builds on the idea of experiential learning through participation, and a HIPP workshop consists of games and exercises that, among other things, aim to strengthen participants' self-esteem and self-awareness, build trust in a group, develop empathy and communication skills, and provide participants with tools to solve conflicts nonviolently.
Here you can read more about what HIPP is and why we use this method in our peace education
Here you can watch 7 short films about the HIPP method

In addition to HIPP workshops, we also engage in other forms of peace education, such as political education and courses for schools and public colleges. Here you will find material for peace education made by the Norwegian Peace Association in collaboration with the International Committee for Folk High Schools.
Conflict management and peacebuilding
Diversity, identity and global citizenship
Nonviolence and disarmament - theory and practice
Do you want the Norwegian Peace Association to come and talk about Norwegian arms exports, the drone war or take courses in nonviolent conflict management where you live or at your school? Contact us!