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Board Members

The board is elected at the general annual meeting for one year. The board 2020-2021 consists of​

Kari Anne Næss


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I have decided to stand for another election at the Norwegian Peace Association, because I have faith in the plans we have put together previously. After a year with much organisational work, I am looking forward to implement our forward-looking peace work and to make the Norwegian Peace Association better known to the world. I have an MA in Democracy Assistance with a specialisation in political participation. The past years, I have worked in the organisation Norwegian Rural Youth, and am Secretary General of Youth against the EU. I am preoccupied with peace poltics and think that peace is best built in a society where the citizens have a realistic chance to influence their daily lives and political decisionmaking processes.

Regine Steinvik


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We have witnessed a dramatic regression of democracy around the world in the past years, something which seemed unthinkable whilst I was studying comparative politics. As a result, I have felt a strong urge to be more involved in peace work. The statistics are saying that democratic countries do not go to war with each other. And as a teacher, I already have a mandate to work with these issues: In the executive curriculum it says that ’The school should promote democratic values and attitudes as a counterbalance to prejudice and discrimination. The school should also respect that people are different, and students should learn to resolve conflicts in a peaceful manner’. I hope that my contribution to the Norwegian Peace Association can do something to better the situation our world currently is in.


I have an MA in Spanish language and Latin America Studies, a one-year study in comparative politics, as well as Italian at the University of Bergen. I have a practical pedagogical education from the University of Oslo and work as a lecturer for spanish and social studies at a secondary school in Asker. I also give courses in international cooperation. I am originally from Ålesund, but have lived in Spain.

Lene Grimstad

Network Manager

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I have got a BA in Peace- and Conflict-studies, as well as an MA in Society, Science and Technology in Europe. I have followed countries’ work concerning ’Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems’(LAWS) at the UN Weapons Convention since 2014, and have partaken on behalf of the Norwegian Peace Association since 2017. I have been part of the conception of the research group concerning autonomous weapons in 2018, and have led the group from the start. The group is small, but has seen much activity. The Norwegian Peace Association is a traditional peace movement and Norways’ oldest. This is, in my opinion, a great platform to raise the issue from. Contact me if you would like to be part of the research group on autonomous weapons.


I have been a member of the Norwegian Peace Association since 2017, led the research group on autonomous weapons since 2018, and have been a member of the board since 2018.

Deputy Board Member

Malin Isabelle Daviknes
Tommy Vad Flaaten

Editor Fredsviljen

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Malin heter jeg, bergenser som etter mange år i det store utland flyttet "hjem" (til Oslo) i 2021. Har de siste seks årene bodd og jobbet i Jordan (humanitær bistand), og har importert både mann, katt, og hund derfra til Norge. Nå jobber jeg i Redd Barna sitt Norgesprogram og trives godt med det. Jeg har en master i conflict, security & development fra King's College London, og bachelor i internasjonale relasjoner fra universitetet i Nottingham. Min karriere i Fredslaget er foreløpig veldig kort, men jeg har planer om at den skal bli veeeldig lang etter hvert! Jeg meldte meg inn i 2021, og fra 2022 har jeg fått lov til å være nestleder sammen med denne herlige gjengen på siden her. Jeg digger fredsarbeid, og nerder spesielt på alt som handler om dialog og konfliktløsning. Har et ønske om at vi skal gjøre mye mer av det i fredslaget. Hvis du også kunne tenke det å drive med slikt så ta gjerne kontakt for en prat.

I am a music- and filminterested animator with a heart for peace culture, love for the environment, and labour rights. Food waste and a bad dialogue make me feel unwell, whilst worryfully humming 70s protest music and animated documentaries make me happy. It was the Quakers religious Society of Friends which introduced me to the peace movement, and now I am sitting in the board of directors of No to Atomic Weapons Oslo, and am active in the nighttrain-lobby, spiritual dialogue and animation events. After having studied in London – and having directed a silly Disney series with my twin brother -, I am now trying to use sound and picture to bring happiness, information and motivation to people, in order to make the world a better place. I might use my free time to create a poster for Extinction Rebellion, or write a birthday song for one of my friends. At the Norwegian Peace Association, I have taken on the responsibility as editor of our yearly magazine ’Fredsviljen’, and am looking forward to portraying something as fantastic as thoughts of peace graphically, tidy, and colourful. (My biggest christmas wish is a fotorealistic globe!)

Eskil M. Grav

Deputy Board Member

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Sindre Mork

Deputy Board Member

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Jeg har vært aktiv i frivillighetsarbeid siden 2014, med deltagelse i Childreach International og Resteless Development i både England og Tanzania. I 2017 startet jeg en mastergrad i Human Security ved Aarhus Universitet og skrev en masteroppgave om rollen til sivilsamfunnet i fredsbyggingen i Libanon, hvor jeg har arbeidet sammen med organisasjonen Fighters for Peace. Etter fullført mastergrad flyttet jeg til Berlin, hvor jeg arbeidet som en assisterendekoordinator for det internasjonale fredsbyrået (International Peace Bureau - IPB). I denne stillingen arbeidet jeg med å styrke fredssamarbeidet på tvers av nasjonale grenser, noe som jeg har fortsatt med som rådsmedlem siden 2021.

 Jeg har en dobbelbachelorgrad i internasjonale relasjoner fra Higher School of Economics og London School of Economics. Nå studerer tar jeg en mastergrad i statsvitenskap ved Universitetet i Oslo. Snakker bla spansk og russisk. Leder det fredspolitiske utvalget.

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